Bill Wright of Rothwell Haigh, Samuel Dunton of Reading, George Orton and J.Spooner of Burton upon Trent, Thomas Tong of Kearsley, H.E.Jones of Hereford, George Cox of Hereford, Walter Watts of Bridgwater, William Wheeler of Guildford,
F.J.Thomas of Chertsey, Thomas of Gloucester, Stubbs of Barrowden, Fuller of St Ives, C.H.King of Wisbech, Godbolt of Norwich, Elias Leonard of Soham, Albert & Theodore Fry of the Bristol Waggon and Carriage Works, W.Watson of Belpher,
Herbert Varney of Belpher, Hallard Howcroft of Hartlepool, Fred Hill of Swineflleet, Uriah Hurst of Woodlesford, R.W.Hodgson of Halifax, John Hardman of the Radcliffe Waggon Works
Profile of Waggon
Pre-Restoration Gallery
The photographs below show the waggon's pre-restoration condition. Taken just after the waggon was moved to a new location and waiting to be restored. As you can see the front crownboard is not fitted, the front porch brackets are both broken (luckily I have the missing pieces). Added to that; the roof is covered with a layer of moss, the rear wheels are in need of repair and the paintwork is very tired and needs stripping back and repainting. Over the coming weeks and months more pictures and galleries will be added for you to see the progress and hopefully the waggon will be, in time, returned to its former glory and original colour scheme.