Bill Wright of Rothwell Haigh, Samuel Dunton of Reading, George Orton and J.Spooner of Burton upon Trent, Thomas Tong of Kearsley, H.E.Jones of Hereford, George Cox of Hereford, Walter Watts of Bridgwater, William Wheeler of Guildford,
F.J.Thomas of Chertsey, Thomas of Gloucester, Stubbs of Barrowden, Fuller of St Ives, C.H.King of Wisbech, Godbolt of Norwich, Elias Leonard of Soham, Albert & Theodore Fry of the Bristol Waggon and Carriage Works, W.Watson of Belpher,
Herbert Varney of Belpher, Hallard Howcroft of Hartlepool, Fred Hill of Swineflleet, Uriah Hurst of Woodlesford, R.W.Hodgson of Halifax, John Hardman of the Radcliffe Waggon Works
Stripping Gallery
Stripping the Waggon
The start of the restoration work was delayed until the last week of January 2020 due to a short illness. It was so good to finally begin stripping and sanding the waggon down. Starting with the rear, I felt my way around the different parts of the waggon, trying to develop techniques for stripping and sanding the various unique surfaces, such as the flat boards, the small inter rib carvings, the larger decorative corner carvings and finally the rear porch brackets. Each with their own set of problems to overcome. The crownboard, well I'm still mulling over how best to attack it. The results so far can be seen in the galleries below - this will be kept updated until the all the prep work is done and the painting can begin.
UPDATED 04-08-21