Bill Wright of Rothwell Haigh, Samuel Dunton of Reading, George Orton and J.Spooner of Burton upon Trent, Thomas Tong of Kearsley, H.E.Jones of Hereford, George Cox of Hereford, Walter Watts of Bridgwater, William Wheeler of Guildford,
F.J.Thomas of Chertsey, Thomas of Gloucester, Stubbs of Barrowden, Fuller of St Ives, C.H.King of Wisbech, Godbolt of Norwich, Elias Leonard of Soham, Albert & Theodore Fry of the Bristol Waggon and Carriage Works, W.Watson of Belpher,
Herbert Varney of Belpher, Hallard Howcroft of Hartlepool, Fred Hill of Swineflleet, Uriah Hurst of Woodlesford, R.W.Hodgson of Halifax, John Hardman of the Radcliffe Waggon Works
YouTube Videos
Hard as it is to film as you go, especially when you are mainly working alone, I'm determined to have a complete story and permanent record of the restoration work being carried out on this historical waggon. The following video shorts have been put together using this growing archive of photographs and film footage captured along the way. It gives a true insight into the determination and passion needed to carry out the many different and sometimes difficult tasks required to see the work though and achieve the satisfying results once accomplished.
For all restorers of horse drawn vehicles around the globe who hear the words ‘all it needs is a lick of paint’, we know better – it needs blood, sweat and tears mixed with perseverance, dedication and true grit!
See the Latest Video on the Fuller Restoration
10 - Paint Your Waggon - Crownboards
Time to tackle the Crownboards, with first job, removing the large ornate carvings. With this done the stripping, filling and sanding ritual can begin. The front crownboard also needed measuring against the inner framework, marking up & pre-drilling, then fixing back onto the waggon with many screws. Now they are primed and ready for the undercoat and top coats.
More Videos on the Fuller Restoration
09 - Paint Your Waggon - Scaff Down
08 - Paint Your Waggon - Making New Weatherboards
07 - Paint Your Waggon - The Roof Part 3 - Canvas
06 - Paint Your Waggon - The Roof Part 2 - Prime
05 - Paint Your Waggon - The Scaff man
04 - Paint Your Waggon - The Roof Part 1
03 - Paint Your Waggon - Nearside Stripping
02 - Paint Your Waggon - Transportation to New Location
01 - Paint Your Waggon - Getting Started
© Ellie 2020